Dale Brown is our Mission Team Ministry Director along with his wife Jenny. Dale and Jenny have been involved in short time missions trips for over 30 years. They began with Group Work Camps across the U.S. and Christian church camps in Ohio. They have been affiliated with the Mexican Christian Children’s home in Queretaro Mexico for over 25 years. They were also involved in working on Ghana Christian College in Africa and sending a missionary, Brian and Tabitha Hauser to West Africa to an unreached peoples group call the Jula Tribe. They are honored to work with the MBCC to further missions locally and internationally. Matthew 28:19
MBCC began work in 2017 to start La Iglesia Cristiana de Ponce. God be praised, we were able to start the church building in March 2022. The church has been meeting each Sunday night at 7:00 pm. We purchased the land to build a permanent building for the church in the community Punta Diamanté. Our next mission trip is scheduled for Sunday, June 9th 2024. Our Youth Pastor Matthew Smith will be leading the youth on their first mission trip to Ponce Puerto Rico. Our goal is to reach 50 souls for the Lord. Please be in much prayer about this trip and prayers for safe travels.

and his family as they lead the work of La Iglesia Cristiana de Ponce.